Важная тема [OOC] Ruby ☾ Список разрешенных cleo/asi/lua/sf | Обновлено 18.06.2022

Sergey Rainbaw✨

Главный Администратор сервера Ruby
Команда форума

♥ Доброго времени суток, уважаемые игроки нашего сервера! ♥
В данной теме представлен список разрешенных скриптов у нас на сервере.

• ХП в цифрах;
• Cleo Drift;
• ХП круиз контроль;
• Антикрашер;
• Damage Informer;
• Car Damage Informer;
• Колокольчик;
• Название улиц над радаром;
• Cleo погода;
• RunningPatch.asi;
• Показатель FPS;
• Cleo HUD;
• InfoBar;
• СелфиМод (запрещено использовать в перестрелках);
• NormalMap;
• StreamMemoryFix;
• ColorMod;
• FirstPersonMod (Запрещено использовать скрипт с целью узнать ник вдалеке. (Наказание бан аккаунта за WallHack);
• Ultra Thing;
• Motion Blur;
• Оружие за спиной;
• FirstPersonMod (все скриншоты и видео(для отчетов, жалоб и т.д.) делать по прежнему от 3 го лица);
• SF Plugin CMD Helper;
• Стробоскопы;
• FishEye;
• FastMap;
• Cleo тени;
• RadarOff
• Dialog ID
• Гидравлика
• Moon Size Changer
• Houses Fix
• Laser + Flashlight
• FPS Lock & Unlock
• ChatInputSound
• Time on Screen
• Snow San Andreas
• ToggleCrosshair
• Custom Death Screen
• SpinnerFist
• RadarMove
• Shadows Limit
• TimeCycle Editor
• Screen Manager
• Time Format
• Head-Up Display
• Player /dl
• MPRadar
• Dialog ImGui
• Input Helper
• ManageMap
• Change SAMP Keys
• Show ID in Kill List
• Cleo Crashes.asi v.2.51 (все последующие версии - бан)
• Chatid
• FastConnect
Рекконект. Запрещен только автоконнект, при котором перезаходит в игру осуществляется без помощи человека.
• CLEO для переливания цвета денег
• Ccontrol/Cruis Control (круиз-контроль)
• Pricel (для удерживания прицела по нажатию кнопки, при этом можно одновременно писать в чате)
• CLEO/ASI которые улучшают графику (не удаляют и не делаются текстуры меньше, а улучшают)
• Разновидности киллогов (сохранение килллиста)
• Shot Cam Shake (Junior_Djjr);
• NoCenteredCursor;
• NimCamAim_Toogle;
• Speed Cam Shake (Junior_Djjr);
• Camset;
• Reload Mod (Junior_Djjr);
• GetOnline;
• HUDaction;
• Samp Addon (Без анти-афк и читов)
• Police Maverick Cam Mod (Использовать с РП отыгровками, а не просто так)
• NoDialogListItemRestore
• GTA SA "Widescreen Fix"
• Bullet tracers
• compas.cs
• fixwheelturnback.cs
• CustomStartScreenByDarkP1xel.ASI
• flickr.asi
• ImVehFt.asi
• ClickMenu
• Anti-DriverKillByDarkP1xel.CS
• sun.cs
• Dance.cs
• Oil Leaking (Junior_Djjr);
Shot Cam Shake (Junior_Djjr);
Backfire - ALS (Junior_Djjr);
CFIND(LUA) - показывает в /find, кто есть в интерьере с вами;
• smsHelp - без указания id отправится тому смс, кому отправил последний раз;

• antirvanka;
• DisableWind.asi - отключает ветер, не сносит вертолёт воздухом если зависнуть на месте;
• WarningsByRaymond.sf;
• chatlog.sf;
• chatlog in console.sf;
• CCleaner v3.2 by Dapo Show.cs;
• Swim FPS Fix.asi;
• Getkills;
• RP Chat Box;
• Ragdoll mod;
• GMAP ( Обязательно отыгрывать РП составляющую при использовании данного скрипта )
• AutoText;

• Sweet connect (Запрещено использовать функционал: автореконнект, Анти АФК и подобных, которые запрещены правилами проекта/сервера);
• sa wiki.lua;
• money_separator.lua;
• sa wiki.lua;
• BufferCleaner.lua;
camhack.lua и его аналогии ( Перед тем как использовать - необходимо получить одобрение от Куратора сервера/ГА/ЗГА );
ignore-chat.lua (Действия администрации "ЗАПРЕЩЕНО" скрывать);
• AutoTimeOn.lua;
• DarkMode.lua;
• admenu.lua;
DRP PIOF (Запрещено использовать функцию в зоне стрима (Наказание бан аккаунта за WallHack) ;
imguiFind ;
Diamond Phone.lua;
• Hardbassgenrl;
• Killsound;
• autoLogin.lua;
• SUonAttacker.lua;
• Animations.lua;
• Crosshair.lua;
• HideTextDraws.sf;
• Blood effect (любые виды).

Если вы считаете что есть скрипт, который необходимо разрешить, то оставьте сообщение по форме и мы рассмотрим ваше предложение.

1) Ваш никнейм:
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное):
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi/lua/sf
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi/lua/sf:

[CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms][COLOR=rgb(50, 205, 50)]1)[/COLOR] Ваш никнейм:
[COLOR=rgb(50, 205, 50)]2)[/COLOR] Название cleo/asi (Полное):
[COLOR=rgb(50, 205, 50)]3)[/COLOR] Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi/lua/sf
[COLOR=rgb(50, 205, 50)]4)[/COLOR]Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi/lua/sf:[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]

Последнее редактирование:

Denn Ozew

[Министр Не Ваших Собачих Дел]
Ваш никнейм: Matthew_Hennessy
Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Позволяет стрелять от "левой руки", в целом не даёт никаких преимуществ и инвертирует камеру ровно настолько от центра персонажа, насколько "от правой руки"(по дефолту). Так же активация происходит при зажатом Caps Lock(опустил Caps Lock- инвертировалось; поднял Caps Lock - вернулось.) * превью.gif *
Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Крутое клео, не даёт никаких преимуществ, просто меняет вид от левого плеча. Очень классно будет для РП-шек и видосов.
Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: При высокой скорости в транспорте визуально трясёт мою камеру.
Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Придает реализма и не дает никаких возможностей/преимуществ.
Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Если встать вплотную к стене, то мой скин делается прозрачным, но модельки аксессуаров остаются. * первью.gif *
Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Теперь удобно стоять у стены в строю :D
Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Позволяет перезаряжаться, при этом не выстреливая всю обойму. То бишь если у меня в дигле 4 из 7 патронов, то я могу нажать "R" и произойдёт обычная анимация и обычная перезарядка, будто ты выпустил все патроны и перс перезаряжается как обычно.
Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Я думаю, эта функция должна быть в САМПе, но видимо что-то пошло не так xD

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этих скриптах, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этих скриптах/модах.
Последнее редактирование:


1) Ваш никнейм: Understand Mussolini
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное):
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Даёт информацию о find банд в гетто, не залазия на форум (информацию о find берёт с tab по клисту)
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Потому что оно не даёт никакого преимущества, а только информацию о количестве find вражеской банды.

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этом скрипте, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этом скрипте/моде.
Последнее редактирование модератором:

Delmar Nordin

Press F to me
1) Ваш никнейм: Delmar Florence
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное): SAMP Addon v2.5 by MixMods - *ссылка на источник*
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi:
Ну что.... много чего даёт.
  1. Map with transparent map mods
  2. 0.3DL
  3. It's possible now on SA-MP 0.3DL to connect to 0.3.7 servers!
  4. Fixed crash with reason SA-MP: FrameNode name was too long. SA-MP must exit.
  5. Fixed security exploit when you can change server loaded files!
  6. Fixed game freeze and loaded files check (OnPlayerFinishedDownloading) after reconnect
  7. Fixed bug when you reconnect with class selector menu
  8. Fixed corona reflections
  9. Fixed bad size aim texture
  10. Fixed broken break object animation
  11. Fixed samp bug when destroyed vehicle doesn't send info to server about destroy
  12. Fixed keyboard OnPlayerKeyState lag and improved syncronization in many players stream
  13. Fixed /save in spectator
  14. Fixed samp bug when object move on low distance doesn't work on high FPS
  15. Better vehicle number plate quality
  16. Increased speed of RedirectDownload 1.5-2 times
  17. Decreased killchat size on small resolutions <=1280
  18. Fixed dialog draw on left near caption
  19. Deleted 5 seconds delay OnPlayerPickup pickup on low FPS
  20. More FPS In SA-MP:
  21. Deleted SAMP sleep delay every frame, it increase ~10 perfomance FPS!
  22. Fixed low fps in centre of map if you deleted objects RemoveBuildingForPlayer
  23. Optimisation of player's nicks, 3DTextLabels, dialogs, killchat, F5 and objects algoritms (7/DL)
  24. Fixed game brake lag from chat message (only DL)
  25. Standart SAMP FPS limit increased to 200, but no more, there are many high FPS bugs exist
  26. Fixed SAMP bug when FPS drops in some interiors
  27. Vehicle models no more unloaded from memory after disconnect (7/DL)
  28. Fixed SAMP bug caused low FPS in some places due to RemoveBuildingForPlayer (7/DL)
  29. FPS Optimization of GetPlayerCameraTarget (only DL)
  30. Optimization of vehicles, players and pickups samp algorithms
  31. Ping decreased average by 4 (from 0 to 8 (from 0 to 2 in DL))
  32. It's possible to use loading models for pickups
  33. Bugs fix SA-MP:
  34. Adjust the brightness in SA-MP
  35. Error SA-MP non-working some types of weapons
  36. SA-MP bug improper display of a parachute (when install mod parachute) (SAMPGraphicRestore)
  37. SA-MP bug removes the fire on the ground after death
  38. Mouse right click on map in sa-mp
  39. SA-MP objects in sniper scope
  40. Drawing 2 times TXD font type 5
  41. Fixed samp bug when player can move after death and lost weapon sound
  42. Change language Alt+Shift doesn't prees Shift and player doesn't jump
  43. Fixed player shoot when you reopen dialog and close dialog/Tab/F6 while pressing mouse
  44. Fixed bug when you can teleport to transport if you can't seat as passenger
  45. Stunt no more give money
  46. Stunt text now shows on TextDraws
  47. Deleted non working Option - Esc - Options - Display Setup - HUD Mode
  48. Alt+Enter - doesn't press Enter
  49. TogglePlayerControllable doesn't freeze camera
  50. TogglePlayerControllable Invincible deleted
  51. Fixed TogglePlayerControllable bug grenades, C4 and fire has removed
  52. Fixed other driver's radio animation when you change radio
  53. If you press Esc in server dialog game Esc menu will not opened
  54. Fixed different width of health bar and armor bar
  55. Breaked objects 1269 1270 doesn't drop money
  56. Fixed caddy can give golf club weapon
  57. Fixed samp bug camera attached to object in spectator can glitch if server works more than 10 days
  58. Returned collision to RC vehicles
  59. Fixed vertical synchronization of sniper, rocket and camera
  60. Fixed random death in spectator
  61. Fixed SAMP bug when you can't connect to server after disconnect
  62. Fixed SAMP bug sound noise if you disabled wind sound with PlayerPlaySound
  63. Fixed SAMP bug alpha channel and lighting problems with objects draw distance >300.0
  64. SA-MP bug will display a cursor in Windows 8 (old versions)
  65. SA-MP bug camera passing through the created objects outside world (on old versions)
  66. Fixed pickups doesn't work far from the map
  67. Fixed pickups has bad precision coords
  68. Fixed bug when fist and helicopter blades doesn't work outside on map
  69. Fixed samp bug when some interiors lost objects
  70. Fixed sun effect works through SAMP objects
  71. Fixed icons in Esc - Map start draw after several seconds
  72. Fixed game bug - when player press H with hydraulics others players hears beep sound, it also fixed stuck sound after disable vehicle alarm
  73. Fixed samp bug when tuning, parachute and cleo scripts stops work
  74. Fixed samp bug checkpoint will not show on screen if there are >150 players in stream
  75. Fixed SAMP bug you can break animation and control disable with Enter and G or Enter to vehicle with G if vehicle is locked
  76. Fixed nightvision goggles can change your vision. Server checks can't ignore of some enable vision packets, so it's possibly to create a cheat you can't fix on server
  77. Fixed SAMP bug with sound of detail move on num2/num8 and vortex with engine disabled
  78. Fixed SAMP bug when other player teleports to vehicle after move enter vehicle
  79. Fixed SAMP bug you can stop speed after disable SpecialAction by Enter
  80. Fixed SPECIAL_ACTION_DANCE has no physic
  81. Player receive damage from explosion in SAMP on passenger driveby
  82. You can't jump too high with some animations
  83. Fixed SAMP bug you can has more ammo in clip on low skill 2hand weapons
  84. Fixed C4 removed after death
  85. Fixed SAMP bug with jetpack sound stay after jetpack disabled
  86. Fixed SAMP synchronization bug when player fell on the floor
  87. Fixed SAMP bug player sound from fire damage didn't work
  88. Fixed fast angle move speed of 1, 2, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272 skins
  89. Fixed server objects interaction bugs:
  90. Removed jetpack no more created under objects
  91. Molotov and vehicle explodes and other explodes works on objects
  92. Camera doesn't pass through objects in vehicle at speed
  93. SetPlayerCheckpoint works on objects
  94. Details of breaked objects don't fly through objects
  95. Non-working dust effect under the helicopter over objects
  96. SetPlayerPosFindZ works on objects
  97. Animation fall parachute when you jump on object
  98. Bug game gives parachute if you leave plane on object
  99. Bug you can't use jetpack on object
  100. Non-working rain spray effect on objects
  101. Shadows and light now work on server objects
  102. Fixed game bug you can't climb on server objects
  103. Crashfix SA-MP:
  104. SA-MP bug causing to crash on startup at addresses 0x0040FB80 and 0x006F5636
  105. SA-MP bug causing to crash when tuning vehicle in textdraw menu
  106. SA-MP bug causing to crash when opening map
  107. SA-MP bug causing to crash when creating objects garage doors
  108. SA-MP bug when changing skin while player enter a vehicle and causing crash
  109. Incompatibility SA-MP 0.3.7 and StreamMemoryFix and old version of Asi Loader and caused crash at 0x005B8E75
  110. Incompatibility outfit weapons with SAMP (OutFitFix.asi)
  111. Fixed crash on exit on some systems
  112. 0x00544BC8 & 0x00415D47 CreateObject crash
  113. 0x0074DA25 with bad OnPlayerRequestSpawn
  114. 0x0064F73B delete vehicle when player try to sit
  115. SA-MP 0.3.7/DL changes:
  116. Interface now support 4096 resolution
  117. You can select player in Tab with 0-9 buttons
  118. Fixed bug when same message in F6 chat saved to chat history
  119. F9 killchat disable now saved to samp.cfg
  120. Added autowriting to dialogs and select listitem from dialog history
  121. Fast connection
  122. F7 Chat disable now turn off killchat and textdraw
  123. Added F7 Chat disable without turning off game interface
  124. Fixed drawing order of nicks and 3DTextLabels
  125. Fixed health and armor bars
  126. Fixed mouse set on screen center when you reopen dialogs
  127. Increased max height of dialog and size of scroll. Scroll disables if it's not need in dialog
  128. Fixed SAMP bug when chat F6 glitch after TextDraw click
  129. Connection restart when your connection rejected as unacceptable nickname (for situatuation when your game crash or you losted connection and kicked because you still in game)
  130. Enter key in Tab menu work as double click on player
  131. Fixed arrow keys don't work in Tab menu
  132. Changed color of selection in menu and scroll
  133. Cursor now use alpha channel and use cursor.png
  134. Fixed cursor wasn't at the screenshots
  135. Added restart to crash dialog
  136. Time is not displayed in empty message with timestamp
  137. Fixed bad font size after change resolution
  138. Light type chat in F7 removed and can be enabled in sa-mp.cfg - chattype=1
  139. Increased dialog symbol size limit +500
  140. Fixed bug when some game keys work in Tab menu
  141. Increased pagesize limit to 30
  142. Deleted delay on start and exit
  143. Fixed bug you can't use several TXD in TextDrawCreate with long name >10 symbols
  144. SA-MP objects in sniper scope, rocket launcher and camera
  145. Increased count of warnings to 100 before crash
  146. Fix crash on start in guest windows account (samp.dll guest ver)
  147. Tab position will not change when players enter&exits from server
  148. Fixed chat scroll position when you press PageUp/PageDown in Tab or menu dialog
  149. Increased speed of ping check of list servers
  150. HD ico
  151. Bigger size of server properties dialog
  152. Fixed focus on dialog in Tab, F5 & F10
  153. Fixed bug when you can open chat F6 in Tab, F5 & F10
  154. Fixed bug Skimmer, Seasparrow and Vortex in water call OnVehicleDeath
  155. Fixed player lag when player aim, it also improves weapon aim sync
  156. Fixed samp bug camera can sometimes move to other place in CameraLookAt move mode
  157. Fixed wrong width space tabs in dialogs
  158. Removed double nextline in chatlog.txt
  159. F10 disabled textdraws and nicks
  160. Nicks, 3DTextLabels, killchat, chat and interface draws in right order
  161. Fixed 3DTextLabel draws on nick and too high on players
  162. Fixed 3DTextLabels draw in spectator
  163. Fixed sit animation synchronization
  164. Increased killchat X position, if nick length is big - killchat X position will be decreased
  165. Fixed slow speed of angle move of players and vehicle on low FPS
  166. Fixed nick&label draw check on middle mouse click
  167. Limited FPS detect to 100 in GetPlayerDrunkLevel (only english install)
  168. SA-MP 0.3.7/DL crashfix:
  169. Fixed crash dialog bug with scroll
  170. Fixed bugs and crashes in RemoveBuildingForPlayer, limit now 100k, same RemoveBuildingForPlayer's will not reach limit
  171. Fixed memory leak and crash on start with page heap
  172. Fixed incompatibility with defective mods caused crash on exit
  173. Fixed SAMP bug caused crash from tff bug when you use SelectObject
  174. Improves SA-MP:
  175. All graphics modes (eg. ENB) display graphics correctly (SAMPGraphicRestore)
  176. Disable pause in Esc and when minimized
  177. Game menu transparent
  178. Removing unnecessary sections of the menu
  179. Returned player shadows disabled in SA-MP
  180. Ability to run multiple SAMP clients
  181. In SA-MP appears when typing input language (Setting can be disabled in installation)
  182. New interface dialogs SA-MP and the cursor (Setting can be disabled in installation)
  183. Possibility of replacing timecyc
  184. High Quality Lights Mod works in SA-MP
  185. Exception handler crashlog show more information: asi plugins, cleo, sf plugins, enb or sobeit installed, library where crash happened and backtrace
  186. File disablefpslimit.txt in game folder will disable sa-mp fps limit on every version of sa-mp
  187. Removed several buttons in right click menu on executable icon
  188. Deleted wind sound on connect
  189. Player now dies instead of teleport when player falls under the ground, it's changed to decrease false positives teleport anticheat (to disable you need to create enablefallteleport.txt in game folder)
  190. Deleted SAMP icons from Esc - Map - Map legend
  191. Option - Esc - Display Setup - Subtitles - deleted in SAMP
  192. Camera state V Key are saved, setting controller setup to default will reset camera V state
  193. Interface will not disabled if you don't control player some time
  194. Space button limited to 100ms
  195. SA-MP 0.3.7/DL samp.img:
  196. Fixed bug you can't install mods to skin 163-166
  197. Fixed bug skin 300-302 and some objects become bugged when you install mods
  198. New models
  199. More FPS:
  200. Game now support other monitor hz (100hz 144hz etc)
  201. Optimization of physic engine. It will add 5-10% to FPS in cpu load place and 20% in big cpu load place near 200 players!
  202. Optimization of coronas and coronas road reflection
  203. Number of shadows from objects reduced to 12 to reduce the load on the graphics card
  204. Optimization CPU of world shadows
  205. Lowered particles count
  206. Vehicle distance decreased to 50 on low level effects setting
  207. Decreased water wave distance on low level effects setting
  208. Keyboard input latency decreased by one frame
  209. FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag has been removed from IMG reading functions - speeding up streaming
  210. Optimization of occlusions, more fps in some places
  211. Optimization of fire
  212. Optimization of vehicle render
  213. Optimization of rain weather and night goggles noise effect
  214. Rain weather noise effect disabled on low effects settings
  215. Clouds disabled on low effects settings
  216. Fixed FPS issues:
  217. Fixed game bug when you can't strafe with high FPS
  218. Fixed speed of clouds and weather smoke on high fps
  219. Fixed bug when bicycle stuck in the air on high fps
  220. GTA bug speed of swim and hp blink with high fps
  221. FPS speed break object speed bug
  222. Screen glitches when break glass on high FPS
  223. Weather flash lighting FPS speed bug
  224. Low damage when you don't have oxygen on high FPS
  225. Rotate parachute Speed FPS bug
  226. Fixed bug Fire Extinguisher and Flamethrower effect don't work with high FPS
  227. Fixed game bug different speed of attack spraycan on different FPS
  228. Fixed slow world shadows update on low FPS
  229. Fixed radar icon on air runway on high FPS
  230. Fixed bad sound of wind, rain and swim on high FPS
  231. Fixed start speed of helicopters on high FPS
  232. Fixed firetruck and swat water attack on high FPS
  233. Fixed Skimmer speed on water on high FPS
  234. Fixed weapon fire, rocket, flash rocket and fire flash lighting FPS speed bug
  235. Fixed bug there were many particle effects on high FPS
  236. Fixed bug car quickly stops on high FPS
  237. Fixed bug sniper rifle doens't work on high FPS
  238. Fixed bug water creaters animation on high FPS
  239. You can jump high on bike on high FPS
  240. When player head move fast if head move enabled in SAMP on high FPS
  241. Slow camera move in vehicle on high FPS
  242. Flash sun effect speed on high FPS
  243. Fixed game bug with press H and siren on high FPS
  244. Fixed game bug with vehicle carcase move speed on high FPS
  245. Fixed animation bug with strafe at high FPS
  246. Fixed camera speed with joystick enabled at high FPS
  247. Fixed stars flash speed at high FPS
  248. Fixed radio block in mainmenu at start game at high FPS
  249. Fixed suspension on object and climb up to object at high FPS
  250. Fixed climb up to vehicles at high FPS
  251. Fixed player easy move vehicle at high FPS
  252. Fixed no damage from fall from not too high height at high FPS
  253. Fixed slow vehicle turn at high FPS
  254. Fixed slow move detail speed on Num2/Num8 in Dumper/Packer/Dozer/Forklift/Andromada on high FPS
  255. Fixed vehicle can go into wheels after fall on high FPS
  256. Fixed speed sound change of planes and vortex on high FPS
  257. Fixed fast fire expansion on high FPS
  258. Fixed bug bike quickly stops on high FPS
  259. Fixed speed sound change of vehicles on high FPS
  260. Fixed boat effects on high FPS
  261. Fixed game bug helicopters on high FPS
  262. Fixed speed switching low count on highfps
  263. Fixed vehicle parts slow moving on highfps
  264. Fixed vehicle speed jumping with trailer on highfps
  265. Fixed slow vehicle move in air from mouse on highfps
  266. Fixed fast fire creation after vehicle turned upside down on highfps
  267. Fixed too many explodes in air transport and vortex on highfps
  268. Graphic:
  269. Increase the range of drawing objects and transport
  270. Increased quality mirrors
  271. Improved font text on road signs
  272. Enabled texture filtering numbers of cars in a single game
  273. Texture filtering is turned on low settings
  274. Radar textures support mipmaps
  275. Low-quality shadows of transport and players on low settings removed
  276. Water texture & aim cursor use anisotropic filtration and support mipmaps
  277. Water texture from addon with mipmaps (models/particle4.txd)
  278. Road Reflections Fix
  279. Increased quality of shadows
  280. Lights now get casted on vehicles and peds properly (up to 8 lights) (samp neon has more then 8 light at will not stack)
  281. High Quality Light Mod and texture of tires on the road repacked using mipmaps
  282. Increased range of display lighting lights
  283. Removed low-quality transport of light shade
  284. Increased display time traces of tires
  285. Weapons and a jetpack now cast proper shadows
  286. Muzzle flash looks better now
  287. Fonts now support mipmaps
  288. Fixed bad object loading in air
  289. Increased distance of birds
  290. Increased checkpoint draw distance
  291. Deep water land and clouds texture uses mipmap, you need mipmaps in particle.txd
  292. Quality cursors fronten_pc.txd crosshair and fronten1.txd arrow
  293. Improves:
  294. Autooptions on start
  295. Faster launching
  296. Standard game settings set correct and to maximum
  297. Changing parameter settings Antialiasing is immediate
  298. FPS of game decrease if notebook battery is low. Lower battery - lower FPS
  299. Disabled monitor select dialog (option)
  300. Support for all monitor resolutions in a single game
  301. Increased the number of frames in a single game on fps limit
  302. If you change the painting in tuning vehicles no longer change the foreground color to white
  303. Reduced loading time of objects and radar textures
  304. The rear lights are switched off individually
  305. Enhanced cursor approximation map in Esc
  306. Anti-Aliasing option has been altered - instead of listing 1, 2, 3 options (which in fact are 2x/2x/4x MSAA), the game will now show proper MSAA values from 2x up to 16x (depending on max MSAA level supported by the graphics card)
  307. SA-MP exception handler crashlog now works in singleplayer
  308. 2 additional mouse buttons (XMouse1 & XMouse2) now works in menu as Enter & Esc (option)
  309. Icons and player cursor transparency near icons
  310. Stunt text shows on monitor more time
  311. Some car panels now swing after car's explosion (like they were meant to be but the code forcibly fixed them immediately after damaging)
  312. When jetpack removed pickup appears further from the player and smaller in size
  313. If you enter to vehicle while burning fire vehicle will not explode
  314. Weather flash lighting is not so bright
  315. The object's effects are no longer disabled on other object's angles
  316. Fountain noise is reduced
  317. Neon lighting can be combined on surrounding objects
  318. If radio disabled, text [Radio off] will not display when you enter to vehicle
  319. Deleted delay after Z on map
  320. Decreased water sound
  321. Checkpoint on map now draws on top
  322. Multimonitor:
  323. Added monitor number to video card list
  324. When you use 2'nd monitor, resolution on 1'st monitor doesn't get bugged
  325. When you select monitor it's autoselect maximum resolution
  326. When you select resolution it's autoselect widescreen parameter
  327. Game icon now shows in task bar, also dialog is updated
  328. Audio plugin from incognito for SA-MP
  329. Fast connection
  330. Volume depends on game volume
  331. Optimization of files check
  332. Fixed bug with only 10 connections
  333. Fixed bug sometimes audio plugin doesn't start
  334. Fixed connect if you write - and / in nick
  335. Fixed lost packets
  336. Fixed bug if you disable radio game start play emergency vehicle radio
  337. Fixed bug volume of 3D sound depending on distance
  338. Fixed bug Audio plugin was sleep when connecting to radio
  339. Fixed sound bug with fake TCP server
  340. Fixed plugin doesn't send radio station id
  341. Bugs fix:
  342. GameExplorer disabled due problems at game start - game can start slowly or doesn't start, this also happens with some other games
  343. SA will not longer turn off Aero effect in windows 7
  344. Nonworking 16 bit resolutions removed on Windows 10
  345. Removed brakes from the effects of dust
  346. Stuck cursor in the upper left corner of the screen when you minimize the game
  347. Bugs of textures in the interior after the minimize of the game
  348. Hang mouse on some systems
  349. Encreased memory use for correcting texture mapping of the world and transport
  350. Increase the limit of lighting effects, explosions and projectiles
  351. Flickers of textures
  352. Error GTA when fire didn't do damage
  353. Vertical mouse sensitivity when aiming
  354. Black roads
  355. Error GTA improper display color of water
  356. Map control in ESC
  357. Quality parameters and effects mode radar settings are switched to the left and right properly
  358. Fixed vehicle tail light turning off when the camera is rotated to the side
  359. No replacement 2 wheels at the 6-wheeled vehicle with tuning
  360. Crosshair doesn't mess up weapon icon when on a jetpack anymore
  361. Thomas the Tank Engine interior does not dissapear when viewed through the glass door panel
  362. Toggling car lights on does not make windows invisible when viewed from inside anymore
  363. Vehicle lights do not get dark after being being initially lit anymore
  364. Vehicle components does not get bugged after it has been fixed anymore
  365. Weapons are now visible when viewed through a vehicle window
  366. Holding a weapon will not cause some objects to be incorrectly light anymore
  367. Muzzle flash will now show up when firing the last bullet from the clip
  368. Colliding with another car will now damage proper parts on both cars - previously, both cars got damaged the same way
  369. Fixed sun lens flare effect not appearing with AMD/Intel graphics cards
  370. Transparency on the edges in sniper scope
  371. Height of the tire tracks
  372. Vehicle headlights lags
  373. Game cursor, moon, width of icons, markers, and player cursor on map has right width on HD resolutions
  374. Added disable XBox panel on Win10
  375. Fixed an issue introducing graphical artifacts from ped animations with high RAM usage - so called "streaming memory bug" (from Silent & The Hero)
  376. Radio station off now saves to config, you don't need to turn the radio volume off
  377. Fixed bug when you can die while crouching wall
  378. Fixed bug when you can die if was get out from vehicle by new driver
  379. IMGs bigger than 4GB are now handled properly
  380. Quadruple Stunt Bonus now works correctly
  381. Disabled the radio station changing when entering in a tuning garage
  382. Parachute Animation Fix
  383. Fixed non working mirror in some angles
  384. Fixed bug antialising doesn't changed if you set default video parameters
  385. Fixed setting to 5hp when you damaged on bike
  386. Fixed game bug when oxygen instantly restored in vehicle
  387. Game in window mode no more topmost
  388. Now if your game will lagsleep game will not block mouse after Alt+Ctrl+Del
  389. Fixed slow world shadows update on low FPS
  390. Fixed game bug you can see through walls with rocket launcher and camera
  391. Descreased angle of doors to fix collision problems
  392. Fixed game bug when pickups does not render on the edge of the screen
  393. Fixed game bug when vehicle light doesn't render on the edge of the screen
  394. Fixed game bug when procedural grass does not render on the edge of the screen
  395. Game now uses 32 bit (24/8) ZBuffer on 16bit resolution, it fixes 16bit graphic glitches
  396. Fixed LV police object and other occlution place bad render problem
  397. Windows parameter swap mouse buttons now works
  398. Fixed bug teleport after exit from Sweeper
  399. Fixed game bug when mouse can move outsite monitor with several monitors
  400. Idle camera don't work in menu and chat (for SAMP 0.3.7 and 0.3DL Idle camera is return)
  401. Fixed game bug when checkpoints doesn't render on the edge of the screen
  402. Objects and grass are rendered in right order, it fixes some of alpha bugs
  403. Option - Esc - Display Setup - Advanced - Mip mapping - deleted, it doens't work
  404. Texture anisotopy and mirrow quality changes immediately after effects quality change
  405. Fixed game bug helicopter and airplane engine sound exist after engine stop
  406. Fixed game bug when player doesn't render in mirrow in sniper scope
  407. Fix game bug SetPlayerCheckpoint has old size
  408. Fixed game bug you don't receive damage from fall to player
  409. Fixed game bug enabling enter vehicle if you disable jetpack with press enter
  410. Fixed game bug invincible on Enter&Exit vehicle
  411. Fixed game bug shadow doesn't draw when player enter to vehicle
  412. Fixed bad occlusions
  413. Player shadow doesn't draw on small and side surfaces
  414. Fixed player invincible to explosion on enter&exit vehicle
  415. Fixed invincible on passenger driveby
  416. Fire are not deleting if you are not near
  417. Fixed boats can fly (predator model)
  418. Fixed crounch fist animation bug
  419. Fixed game bug bicycle fire enable fire on player
  420. Boat's physics enabled before you seat in boat
  421. Fixed game bug map move work's bad after day
  422. Fixed camera move to random place after game maximize
  423. Fixed game graphic bug player shadow height
  424. Crashfix:
  425. Direct Play no longer needed on Windows 10
  426. Game can run without sound/audiocard
  427. Minimizing on Windows 10
  428. Crash at long game and consumption of large memory game
  429. Errors causing GTA game crashes at 0x004F02D3 and associated with sound
  430. Errors causing GTA game crashes when transport don't support tuning 0x007F0BF7 0x007F120E
  431. Crashes in interiors
  432. Crash when installing mods on high distance
  433. Crash in the fall Player
  434. Crash Ctrl+Alt+Del
  435. Crash 0x00571A00
  436. 0x004AB564 0x0061A5C5 0x0070FB39 with many players streamed
  437. 0x007C51A8
  438. Run the game no longer freezing when locked gta3.img (happens when you install mods)
  439. Crashes with established curves effects
  440. A heap corruption in one place is now fixed
  441. If the game freezes while load textures & models game unfreeze after several seconds
  442. If game freezed game exit
  443. Nonexistent Files crashes 0x004AA4C8 0x005DC425 0x004C4576 0x006F7524 0x0156329D
  444. Game isn't responding if game tries to load txd that doesn't exist, if models\coll\peds.col or gxt is corrupted
  445. If game tries to read nonexistent file .dat .ide .col .ipl and crash - crash dialog now shows this file
  446. GTA bug caused crash at 0x00826360 when you use bugged timecyc.dat & popcycle.dat
  447. Crash 0x0071A708 if you try print bad message on screen
  448. GTA bug caused crash at 0x004D1750 & 0x005E5815
  449. Half fixed crash 0x007F18CF
  450. Half fixed crash 0x00749B7B
  451. Addon restore some of lost files
  452. Game bug crash if game try load nonexist sa-ufiles.dat
  453. audio files damaged 0x004DFE92 0x004F0EBA 0x004F0E1C 0x004DFF90
  454. 0x006FE144 if texture roadsignfont2 doesn't exist
  455. 0x0053388E if game can't create 2D effect
  456. 0x005D5CA2 texture vehiclegrunge256 wrong format
  457. Crash when entering advanced display options on 2'nd monitor if count of resolutions on 2'nd monitor greater then on 1'st
  458. Bugs & crash if game try set non-existent resolution after maximize (possible via DSR)
  459. 0x005D9A9B Vehicle effects crash
  460. 0x005DD97C on start without plant1.txd
  461. 0x0070F9CA in interior with mirror
  462. half fix 0x007ECABB RwStreamRead
  463. 0x004F1464 run nonexistent radio or radio on Steam version of the game
  464. 0x007F39FB read nonexistent txd
  465. 0x006FD525 nonexistent platecharset in vehicle.txd
  466. 0x004C87B6 nonexistent white in particle.txd
  467. 0x007F3825 delete nonexistent txd
  468. 0x005B6B2F bad carcols.dat
  469. 0x004F153A & 0x004D9880 if audio/config files doesn't exist
  470. Instead of freeze if game try read nonexistent file in IDE game now exit with reason
  471. 0x004D46AE animation
  472. 0x00705D48 0x007F9533 0x007F7C82 0x007F777B when system go hibernate/sleep mode
  473. 0x007C91CC with skin mods
  474. half fix 0x007324B6 with bad OnPlayerRequestSpawn
  475. 0x0049CD77
  476. 0x005D95CE
  477. 0x0074533E & 0x00745393 if game haven't enough memory when you save screenshot with camera
  478. 0x00523E6B caused by vehicles
  479. 0x0048C3A9 with bad animation
  480. 0x007FFF12 missing textures in some mods
  481. 0x00557CEA when you create object crane 1382
  482. 0x00746929 on start
  483. 0x004C53A6 with bad FrameNode name in DFF
  484. 0x00529967 crash if you create object near garage
  485. Fixed SAMP bug caused gliches and crash on 0x0156AA19
  486. 0x00728365 without textures with some mods
  487. 0x006EB628 & 0x006EB670 without water textures waterclear256 и waterwake
  488. 0x004C8F24 when many vehicles in stream
  489. 0x0040F64C
  490. 0x00710881 0x0070FF4D 0x007100A1 0x00710727 0x004AA4F7 0x0156F981 if game has no memory
  491. Fixed an issue which would cause games to freeze if III/VC/SA were running at the same time
  492. Fixed game bug when videodrivers are not installed and game doesn't start without messages
  493. Fixed crash 0x0055D234 with bad data/plants.dat file
  494. Fixed crash 0x00734D88 with bad models/grass/grass.dff files
  495. Fixes in other mods:
  496. Fixes crashes in Normal Map (NormalMapFix.asi)
  497. Rusyoke mod shell crash (ShellFix.asi)
  498. Incompatible of Rusyoke outfit and SilentPatch
  499. Crash when vehicle was recreated and cleo speedometer installed
  500. Incompatible SAMPFUNCS with SilentPatch caused crash on start
  501. Crash in 1'st version of Insanity Vegetation
  502. 0x00827F6E on start with bad ini with InterdaceEditor
  503. 0x0072CD14 on death with distance mods
  504. III.VC.SA.LimitAdjuster.asi optimization
  505. Setting IMFX bUseSAMP enables auto, there is no auto check for samp in IMFX
  506. map.asi renames if you have not 0.3.7R1, bcz this mods crashes on other samp ver
  507. Searchlights.asi renames if you have DL, bcz this mods crashes on this samp ver
  508. Fixed crashes.asi bug with no damage after fall
  509. Fixed crash of old version of NewOpcodes.cleo
  510. Fixed FPSUnlock and crashes.asi removed 0.1s delay strafe in SAMP
  511. Fixed crash 0x00706611 from old versions of shadows.asi
  512. Fixed crash 0x004874EA with vehicle in garage CLEO mod: CJ can repair the car
  513. Fixed crashes.asi bug when C4 doesn't deletes
  514. Fixed crashes.asi bug when fire damage bicycle
  515. Fixed ENB start and bad resolution list

4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: При установке есть возможность включить Anti AFK. Тут скорее не запрос на разрешение, а вопрос - могу ли я использовать этот скрипт для фикса триллиона багов ( не использую анти афк ) и не получить при этом бан.
M.Carbon: Можете использовать данный скрипт, но запрещено использовать (Anti-AFK и чит-программы - которые встроены в данный срипт, если будете замечены за использованием данных преимуществ - бан аккаунта).


Будущее за технологиями - The future of technology
1) Ваш никнейм: Leonardo_Conte
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное): HUDaction
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: показывает расход денег на экране.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: удобное клео.

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этом скрипте, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этом скрипте/моде. (Если данный скрип показывает отдельно уменьшение ХП, при стрельбе например - то запрещено)

Robert Shepard

Информация отсутствует.
1) Ваш никнейм: Robert_Shepard
2) Название cleo/asi: SniperZoom x32.
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: увеличивать кратность снайперского прицела до x32.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: увеличивает RP, помогает прицелиться на дальние дистанции.

M.Carbon: К сожалению данный скрипт не будет разрешён.


Будущее за технологиями - The future of technology
1) Ваш никнейм: Leonardo_Conte
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное): Anti Drive - Kill
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: убирает возможность умереть от бага когда человек жмёт shift и садится в авто.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: уменьшит багоюзерство.

M.Carbon: Напишите пожалуйста полное название или же лучше видео на данный скрипт/мод.

Robert Shepard

Информация отсутствует.
1) Ваш nickname: Robert_Shepard
2) Название cleo/asi:
автопилот для вертолёта v2.
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: автопилот вертолёта; зависание в воздухе.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: помогает управлять пилотам вертолёта.

M.Carbon: К сожалению данный скрипт не будет разрешён.

Robert Shepard

Информация отсутствует.
1) Ваш nickname: Robert_Shepard
2) Название cleo/asi:
Police Maverick Cam Mod.
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: использовать камеру вертолёта.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: помогает при терактах, погонях и т.д.; повышает RP; помогает полиции.

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этом скрипте, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этом скрипте/моде. Надеюсь Вы понимаете, что при использовании данного мода Вам нужно отыгрывать полностью РП.


Колумбиец с Quartz :)
1) Ваш nickname: Sancho_Mortino
2) Название cleo/asi:SpeedHack
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Даёт преимущество в гонках, погонях/облегчает игру
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Так как Перфоманс Тюнинг не доработан до деталей, SH всё решает за тебя, там автоматическое улучшение всех важных комплектующих автомобиля, но если использовать SH для полёта то можно будет банить на 20 дней за SH:cool:

M.Carbon: Данный скрипт запрещён.


4sᴠ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ
1) Ваш никнейм:Nickson Hondez
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное): GTA SA "Widescreen Fix"
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: Widescreen - мод, позволяющий оптимизировать элементы HUD'а, включая и радар, под широкоформатные мониторы.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Ну как по мне играть комфортнее с этим скриптом:)

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этом скрипте, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этом скрипте/моде.



4sᴠ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ
1) Ваш никнейм:Nickson Hondez
2) Название cleo/asi (Полное): NoDialogListItemRestore
3) Какие возможности даёт указанное вами cleo/asi: При закрытии диалога с выбором пункта из списка текущий пункт запоминается и восстанавливается при последующем открытии этого же диалога. Работает на хуках.
4) Почему необходимо разрешить это cleo/asi: Ну как по мне играть комфортнее с этим скриптом:)

M.Carbon: Не вижу ничего плохого в этом скрипте, используйте на здоровье, но при установке обязательно проверяйте на вредоносные файлы в этом скрипте/моде.